After making some questionable comments on his Snapchat story a couple of days ago, New York Knicks center Mitchell Robinson finally had something to say about it, this time leaving comments under an Instagram post explaining his feelings.
This isn’t the first time Robinson has said questionable or even immature things on social media and who knows if it will be the last. Regardless, these kinds of distractions are unacceptable. While it was nice to see him go back on his words, these things shouldn’t have been said in the first place.
At the very least, it appears he’s learned from the mistake and will hopefully be better for it, especially during a season in which the Knicks have been more successful than expected.
Knicks Mitchell Robinson backtracks statements made on Snapchat story
Mitchell Robinson addressed his SnapChat post in a comment on KnicksFanTV IG.
— Big Knick Energy (@BigKnickEnergy_) March 17, 2023
Thoughts? 👇
While Robinson’s frustrations are somewhat understandable considering that he has scored just 21 points in the last three games, there are no excuses for him to make it public in the way he did. Not only does this come off as petty, but it was childish behavior. Additionally, the fact that Robinson didn’t seem to fully understand his role with the team was rather concerning.
With all due respect to Robinson, phrases such as, “I can be selfish and shoot 80 shots and not play defense” are unwanted. Robinson is a fine player — a great defender even — however, his incredibly limited offensive bag makes it nearly impossible for him to take a high volume of shots consistently.
It’s unfortunate to see that Robinson is (or was) clearly going through some things off the floor, but as an NBA player and adult, he cannot let individual frustrations get in the way of overall team success.
Did Knicks fans and the media get into Mitchell Robinson’s head?
Following the original comments made by Robinson, he faced tons of pressure from both Knicks fans and the national media. As deserved as this pressure may be, many people took things too far and said some outright incorrect and awful things about the 24-year-old.
Obviously, Robinson should not have said what he said, and it’s nice to see him go back on these comments, but things like this make fans question if Robinson is built to handle the pressure of the New York media.
Everyone knows that playing for New York comes with one of the biggest spotlights in all of sports. Not every player can handle it. Hopefully his teammates got in his ear and influenced his latest act of backtracking.
Awful grammar aside, Robinson’s comments on Instagram may not have done much to help solve the situation he put himself in, though. While fans feel for him as a fellow human, there’s no need for him to take out his frustrations about his role, let alone after the Knicks’ 12th win in 14 games.
Hopefully, Robinson uses this as a learning experience and matures more as his Knicks’ career goes on. New York can only afford so many distractions with the amount of success they’ve had.

Mitchell Robinson’s Snapchat story creates unnecessary Knicks drama
After the Knicks finished their road trip with a win on Tuesday in Portland, Mitchell Robinson voiced displeasure with his role on Snapchat.