Despite a hasty exit from the playoffs, the NY Knicks have all but exceeded every expectation bestowed upon them this campaign, but how will their efforts translate to a robust free-agent market at season’s end?
The team finished an eye-opening ten games over .500, a mark that seemed inconceivable at the genesis of the season.
However, with a fanbase with an inherited numbness to disappointment, should they harbor excitement for this offseason?
2021’s offseason is crucial for the Knicks, as they could easily shatter the goodwill they’ve built up by staying idle or signing the wrong talent.
Do you think the NY Knicks have done enough to attract free agents?
Luckily for them, location is not an issue, a plight that has traditionally plagued smaller market teams, which the Knicks are most certainly not.
Despite countless misery and at best, mediocrity, in recent years, the Knicks still appeal to many of the league’s most talented assets.
New York doesn’t share the plight of the Jazz, Trail Blazers, and Grizzlies, seemingly endlessly talented squads that often struggle to lure free agents to their organizations.
Other large-market neighbors, such as the Brooklyn Nets, have exhausted the reserves and resources and will likely not be in play for any big fish this offseason.
Does this put the Knicks in pole position? Die-hards are slowly shedding their pessimism and are remaining endlessly hopeful.