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#10 – Knox To Robinson Ally-Oop: January 11th, 2021 vs Charlotte Hornets
Shoutout to the Charlotte Hornets for playing such lazy defense to allow this highlight to exist.
To be fair, they were up by 16 when this play occurred, and the fourth quarter had just begun. They could’ve just been tired more so than careless.
Regardless, this is not the sort of play that should ever be given up.
With only 0.5 seconds left on the shot clock, Kevin Knox was given the ball to inbound on the sideline. The whistle blew and Mitchell Robinson slowly made his way without a screen over to the basket.
Standing under the rim with two Hornets next to him, Know threw the ball up to Robinson anyway. PJ Washington reached up to try to knock the ball away, but a perfect pass allowed Mitch to catch the ball and quickly put it in for two points.
While this isn’t a great dunk, the fact that Knox and Robinson pulled off such a unique possession gives warrant for its place on the list. It was certainly one of the more “wow” plays of the season.