Looking further than just NY Knicks basketball, the last year has been incredibly unique, strange, unfortunate, and even wonderful for just about everyone on the planet. Many conflicting emotions and events have occurred, that’s life for you.
We’re all well aware of this. Very few years, if any, have been like 2020. The effects of it are still being felt today. It quickly became a running “joke” about 2020 being the worst year ever, feeling like the end of the world as we knew it.
Leave it to the New York Knicks, who for many years have been apocalyptically bad more often than not, to have somehow had one of the franchise’s greatest years in its history between late 2020 and now.
The Knicks are good… maybe it really is the end of times.
As you’re also likely aware, the Knicks just clinched the fourth seed in the Eastern Conference, cementing their first playoff berth in 8 years. The journey this team has been on has certainly meant everything to their fans. It’s even possible that they have been able to inspire many people who needed a feel-good story in these confusing times.
Any Knicks fan will tell you that 8 years have felt like a lifetime to wait for this moment. Regardless of how long it has felt like it’s been, the world has definitely changed since 2013.
So let’s discuss how.
The following slides will give a brief history of how the world has changed since the Knicks were last in the NBA playoffs. In slide one, I will touch on what the knicks looked like back then. Next will be a breakdown of how the NBA was 8 years ago. And finally, a slide will be dedicated to some of the more fun and interesting facts about the world during that time in terms of pop culture, among other things.
As I think Clyde might say, let’s unwind and rewind back to the 2012-13 season.