NY Knicks: 2 semi-realistic trades for Luka Doncic

Luka Doncic, NY Knicks (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)
Luka Doncic, NY Knicks (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images) /
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Luka Doncic, NY Knicks
Luka Doncic, NY Knicks (Photo by Alex Menendez/Getty Images) /

I say “semi-realistic” because I am fully aware that it would take a whole bucket full of luck and maybe 2 King’s ransoms to bring Luka Doncic to the NY Knicks.

In a recent article, I discussed a silly little rumor that Jay Williams of ESPN made up in his brain that the Superstar that could possibly force their way to the Knicks was none other than Dallas’ Luka Doncic.

I am personally not falling for it. Not one bit…

But I sure as heck won’t pass up the opportunity to make up some juicy trades!

Could the NY Knicks ever actually trade for Luka Doncic?

Luka Doncic is quietly becoming one of the best players in the league and having him in a market like New York City, there’s no telling what heights the Knicks could reach.

The kid is a young, good-looking, European megastar with a million-dollar smile and all the talent you could ask for.

I could see his face on the side of every building in the city and plastered inside train cars or across train platforms.

The picture of him in a Carmelo Anthony t-shirt as a kid would go absolutely viral on the internet within minutes…almost like it was fate.

Basically, I’m saying the marketability would rival pretty much any New York Knicks player to have ever existed.

All that aside, it would probably take years for the Knicks to become the team that Luka would consider joining forces with, and even if he were to consider it, it would be even longer until he was at a point in his 2nd NBA contract where it would make even the slightest bit of sense for the Mavs to ever consider any deal.

In this article, we’re going to make believe that Luka Doncic wants OUT of Dallas immediately and refuses to play another game for the Mavericks.

The only way he would be happy is if he were moved to the Knicks so they must grant his wishes.

Before the angry mobs come after me, I am acknowledging this as a fun little piece and not in the slightest bit serious.

Here we’ll be exploring 2 trades for Luka Doncic.