5. Major Market Hype
The best thing that’s happened to Brandon Jennings’ NBA career has been his arrival in a major market. Though he has flaws, his strengths will finally be given their proper shine and respect due to his presence in New York.
New York Knicks players are almost always placed under a magnifying lens, which creates quite the opportunity for Jennings to earn accolades.
Players who excel in New York go onto careers with incomparable popularity. Whether it’s Jeremy Lin turning a 35-game stretch into global fame or Walt Frazier becoming the most recognizably stylish man in the NBA, this market is unlike any other.
Whether fair or foul, New York has an uncanny ability to take even the most mundane of stories and make them an international topic of conversation.
In the case of Jennings, his story will be plastered across the major media outlets. If he manages to complete his return from an achilles injury and become a star-caliber contributor again, it will be discussed at great length.
Very little can help a player more on the popularity front than having a major media market backing their campaign.